Holiday Season Stocking Stuffer Ideas for HA'ers

The holidays are upon us… and there is always SOMEONE in your life who doesn’t know what to get you.

Or maybe you’re part of a wonderful HA support community and there’s someone in the group that you’ve grown to appreciate and would love to give them a gift.

Maybe you want to get me a gift? HAHA just kidding.

Whatever the reason for shopping this season, here are our top ideas for your specific friends and loved ones:

Gift Idea 1: Liver

Who for: Your mom who wants energy, your boyfriend who uses too much pre-workout, your bestie who is super health-minded

You already know we’re going to recommend this… if one of your besties is super health minded, they’ll appreciate this little gift. You know who else it’s good for? Your mom.

I gave my mom a bottle when she was dealing with some health issues and she LOVED it. I was so surprised that she bought into it but she said she truly felt the difference.

This actually made me curious and I stopped taking it at night and started taking it in the morning to help with my energy AND as a pre-workout. Now, I will try to save it for 30 minutes before I go to pickleball training.

So, get your boyfriend off of that red-dye, gross pre-workout and switch him to liver.

Our recommendations:

Grassland Nutrition

Jool Beef Liver

Vegetarian friend who wants the above benefits? - Jool Oyster

If they do seafood, give them this one instead of liver. Bonus: Oysters don’t have a central nervous system which kind of makes them like eating plants.

Our recommendations:

Jool Oyster Capsules

Gift Idea 2: Charting Workbook or Downloadable pages

Who for: Any woman looking to monitor her fertility WITHOUT apps and get less screen time

If your new year's resolution is less screen time, switch to manual charting. Besides, it’s a really cool skill to have.

Our recommendations:

Buy this Fertility Awareness Mastery Workbook


Download the Printable Charting Pages that I created

Gift Idea 3: A Fertility Monitor

Who for: You or your fertility awareness minded bestie who does shift work and simply can’t manually temp

Time and time again my clients are DONE with manual temping and screen time just isn’t an issue for them. Great - try one of these two monitors.


Put it around your arm at night and it tracks not just your cycle but your sleep quality, if you’re in to that kind of thing. Using our code also STACKS a discount on top of any Holiday discount TempDrop is already providing. I personally use and love this one.

Get the TempDrop - Code AFHASOCIETY

Femometer Smart Ring

Same as above, but it’s a ring. Ashley uses and loves this one.

Get the Femometer

Gift Idea 4: Redmond's Sea salt

For who: Everyone

Trust me, your loved ones need some QUALITY salt. If your mother-in-law is crushing cheap salt, jar some of this up and tell her to salt her food liberally. She will use it because, why not? And whether she notices or not, she’s getting SO MANY benefits from eating salt that actually has minerals in it.

Get the Redmond's Salt

Gift Idea 5: Saalt Cup and Period Underwear

For who: The girl who has a period in your life

Either she needs to try a period cup OR she is curious about period underwear. Text her real quick, ask her what she uses. She’ll think you’re asking for yourself. Then gift her the one she is curious about!

Get the Saalt Cup


Fertility Monitors For Solving Infertility Like Hypothalamic Amenorrhea