Apply for the Restore Your Fertility Program

Apply for the 10 week program!

“Again, I can’t say enough how joining the program has completely changed my life and mindset. It’s like I was riding a bike without a chain, trying all of the things but stuck until I found you and the HA society!”

— Melody

“Working with Dani and Mishi in the Restore Program has transformed the trajectory of my life in amazing ways. I struggled to address that I needed to change my lifestyle, and this was finally the push that I needed. I never once felt judged or looked down upon, instead, I have been greeted with nothing but kindness and love from every member of the HA Society. As a young woman in my 20s, I feel that I have made the investment of a lifetime. Not only do I have my period back, but I am now equipped with the knowledge of how to understand my cycle and support a lifestyle that is truly healthy. This journey has been one of the hardest things I have ever gone through, and I am so thankful that the amazing women of the HA Society had my back!”

— Lindsey

“Dani, I almost can’t believe it…I’m pregnant… IS IT HAPPENING?!

— Julia

Step 1: Fill out the below application