HA Recovery Product Recommendations
Recovery is a full lifestyle over hall. Yes – eating enough is important, but so is creating a non-toxic environment for yourself to heal and adjusting lifestyle factors to optimize recovery such as sleep and nutrition. That’s why I recommend these products.
Grassland Nutrition Beef Liver Capsules (USA and Australia)
I recommend all HA’ers women be consuming liver. Known as the fertility food by ancient and tribal cultures and natures multi-vitamin by the western world, the vitamin A, b12, 2, 3, vitamin C, iron, selenium and more that are packed into liver is unmatched by any other food source. Desiccated beef liver capsules are the easiest way to incorporate liver. This is a WHOLE food supplement, meaning it’s more like eating regular food than a supplement.
Inito at home lab testing
Replace your OPK strips with your very own fertility lab that measures actual values of Estrogen and LH to predict your fertile days, Progesterone (PdG1) to confirm ovulation and FSH to track your follicle growth.
OPK’s when used correctly, predict the LH surge with up to 95% accuracy. However, an LH surge can only predict ovulation and doesn’t always guarantee ovulation.
And since LH surges vary, some OPKs may not be sensitive enough to pick up your surge. Certain health conditions like PCOS can also muck up your results on OPKs.
Whereas Inito measures the actual values of your hormones with lab grade accuracy. Inito's results correlate extremely well with Ultrasound Scans - both for tracking fertile days as well as confirming Ovulation.
Tempdrop is a wearable sensor that is designed to help get an accurate basal body temperature reading for ovulation tracking and fertility charting.
I love Tempdrop because it can be a game changer for people with inconsistent sleep and wake cycles like shift workers or postpartum moms! if you’re working night shifts, sleeping shirt hours or waking up in the morning at varying different times, this type of fertility awareness monitor is for you!
It’s super simple to use! Right before you go to sleep, press button to turn on your Tempdrop sensor. Then place the band on your upper arm and leave it on throughout the night. Remove when you’re up and sync it with your Tempdrop app. That’s it!